Windward Hills Country Club

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One of two Golf Courses in the village of Talafofo Guam. This is a smaller one (also cheaper). It is a mixed golf course/housing area.
18 Holes, Par 72
Total Yardage: 6140 yards.
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I’m just new at golfing, and Windward Hills Country Club was recommended to me by a friend. I went there and had fun. Though it’s not as big as the other golf courses in Talafofo it’s cheaper.
I will highly recommend Windward Hills Country Club to everyone specially to beginners. They will normally feel comfortable here because it’s just basic and without any high expectation. A good start at a good price.
I don’t really mind if this is not as fabulous as the other courses. I am just starting to learn golf and I would’t want to waste too much money for this time now. What I loved about this place were their nice staff and reasonable rates.