Onward Mangilao Golf Club

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Mangilao is located on the central eastern coastline of Guam about 25-minutes from most hotels.
Designed by world famous Nelson and Haworth golf course architects, Mangilao offers 6,904 Yards of challenging and unforgetable golf experiences for all skill level players.
Players will wander through its scenic splendor and lush natural beauty while playing on some of the world's most uniquely designed golf holes.
Enjoy the warm, tropical Pacific breeze as you experience a truly memorable golf challenge you will find hard to forget!
A top notch golf club that Guam can be truly be proud of. I’ve been here many times and as always, I am still thrilled to go back. The place was lovable, the staff was outstanding and the service was world-class.
I’ve only played limited golf in Guam but Onward Mangilao Golf Club was surely an upgrade from the top end resorts that I’ve experienced to date. If you’re planning on playing golf in the Mangilao area, give this place a shot. You won’t be disappointed.
The entire course is well manicured and very beautiful. I’ve noticed that the Bermuda grass all over was well managed. The day we played (March 12nd) was hot yet it had been still relaxing mainly because it was close to the beach.