Orote Point

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Point Udall, better known as Orote Point, is the westernmost point (by travel, not longitude) in the territorial United States, located on the Orote Peninsula of Guam.
It lies at the mouth of Apra Harbor, on the end of Orote Peninsula, opposite the Glass Breakwater of Cabras Island which forms the northern coast of the harbor.
This is a cool place to visit. It has a great view. I got to have a quick swim in it’s crystal clear waters.
This place is somehow similar to Coron, Palawan in the Philippines. Their crystal clear water, peaceful ambiance and few little islands all over; were just few of the reasons why I loved them.
Orote Point is a perfect get away. When ever I get tired and I feel worn out of the busy city life, I go here and stay for a while. The cool breeze of the wind, the sound of the waves and it’s crystal clear water with a white fine sand made me fall over and over again for this place!
This is an interesting place to visit. Not only to enjoy the beauty of this part of the island but also to explore history itself.