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One Review for “Asan War Memorial Park Guam”
  1. October 30th, 2009
    Glenda Says:

    This was a really nice & relaxing park. They have a nice jogging track that goes around the entire park area, and I believe the length is about a mile (back & forth).

    The military does alot of functions out there, especially for the WW2 re-enactment they have every year.

    The beach isn’t one of Guam’s best, although it is doable, and the surf can get a bit crazy due to the short reef, compared to the Tumon area.

    What I like about it is that there aren’t alot of people there, so if you want seclusion then Asan Beach is a solid choice.

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Asan War Memorial Park in Guam. Guam Asan War Memorial Park.  Guam shopping, Guam Asan War Memorial Park | z 12:16 am | Friday, January 2, 2009 | HotGuam-Fun | 23:40 | | 2009, January 17, Saturday | guam people, 0:16 | Saturday, January 17th, 2009 | 11:40 pm