Tarza Water Park

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We had a very memorable experience at this spot. It was too far from a typical beach or pool adventure. We had so much fun which were uncomparable.
We had a blast during our visit in Tarza Water Park. I never imagined that I would enjoy that much at my age. The best part for me was my surfing experience. It was my first time and I didn’t got scared knowing that I am not on open water.
This is Guam’s largest waterpark, and it is conveniently located in the heart of Tumon, walking distance from all of the major hotels. Well maybe not walking distance from Hilton or PIC, but then again if your at PIC then you have no reason to go to this waterpark (maybe).
So if you’re staying at Hilton Guam resort, then you may want to catch a cab to get here or catch one of the trolleys which are all over Tumon.
Anyways, they have some really huge slides, and a wave pool where you can do body boarding. I think it’s called a wave pool, I’m not exactly sure what they call it. Anyways, if you look at the photo gallery you can see what I’m talking about.
They offer a pretty good local discount, which makes it worthwhile. I wouldn’t pay the prices that they charge tourists to go here.
In terms of water parks, not including all the amenities that they have, I would have to say that Tarza has the best waterpark, followed by Onward Guam Resort water park, and of course followed by Pacific Islands club waterpark. Now of course, if you’re talking about all the extras like other entertainment and games PIC has the best waterpark.