Lam Lam Tours & Transportation

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I really enjoyed my vacation on the island of Guam. The highlight of my trip was while riding on one of the Red Guahan Shuttle trolleys, the driver was very pleasant and friendly towards my family and the rest of the passengers. He made sure that the ride was smooth and very comfortable. I would recommend riding the trolley to the rest of my friends and family that visit Guam. He also recommended the many option tours that the company had to offer and we went to the Coco Palm and Island Tour, we really enjoyed ourselves. Thanks to the driver, Justin, we will be coming back on our next vacation.
I found the trolleys delightful. It was a unique way of touring Guam. The driver of our trolley was very nice and friendly. I enjoyed my time in this tour.
I liked these charming buses. The specific bus where I rode was clean and comfortable. I loved that it was open so air can freely touched my skin. We were able to see a lot of spots in just a short time.
I have just spent two weeks on your beautiful Island of Guam. I found every one of your bus drivers the most courteous and friendly drivers I have ever come across. They go out of their way to help make sure you get to your destination. What wonderful Ambassadors these guys are for Guam. I will tell every one here in Australia about your beautiful Island and the happy smiling bus drivers…Lam Lam Bus Drivers “ROCK” .. Marilyn from Qld Australia.
We have Lam Lam Tours & Transportation buses once during our vacation in Guam. We found them a very effircient way to tour the island. It has been a pleasant experience for our whole family.