HotProfile: Coral Garden (Diving)


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3 Reviews for “Coral Garden (Diving) Guam”
  1. April 3rd, 2011
    Kimn Says:

    Coral Gardens is a pretty shallow dive which can be great for snorkeling too. It has amazing coral formations and white sandy crevices which everyone will surely like.

  2. June 2nd, 2010
    Laine Says:

    I was here in Coral Gardens last year not just for a simple dive but for an underwater photography. Mt friend suggested this place and told me it’s a good place for me to have good captures . However, I found him wrong because it was not just good, it was totally great!

  3. August 17th, 2009
    Lance Says:

    I personally enjoyed our snorkeling experience here in Coral Gardens. We swam around its wide waters while being amazed with its rich sea life. From the corals of all shapes, sizes and colors to it’s sea creatures (fishes, clams, anemones and many more). I was a perfect blast!

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Coral Garden (Diving) in Guam. Guam Coral Garden (Diving).  Guam business, Guam Coral Garden (Diving) | z 8:17 am | Monday, December 29, 2008 | HotGuam-Fun | 23:43 | | 2009, January 17, Saturday | guam vacation, 8:17 | Saturday, January 17th, 2009 | 11:43 pm