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4 Reviews for “Yigo Raceway Guam”
  1. May 4th, 2011
    Kev Says:

    but seriously, any other place on the island that could at least potentially compare… or maybe with time developed into something like Yigo Raceway?…..

  2. April 25th, 2011
    Sharky Says:

    Call Tom Akigami at 687-1800 or Ed Cruz at 482-1600 for info or event schedules. The park is open to the general public and anyone can race. Drag racing takes places year round on Friday nights at the drag strip.

  3. April 24th, 2011
    Kevin Says:

    Raul, you’re saying one of the places on Guam. Where else on Guam is it possible? Thanks. Kevin.

  4. October 30th, 2009
    Raul Says:

    Yigo Raceway is one of the only places on Guam than you can actually do legitimate racing.

    It is home to a bunch of race clubs that do general racing and drifting as well. He may want to call them to find out when they have any races planned, but generally, I think you have to be in a club if you want to get involved in any of the races.

Yigo Raceway Guam Phone Number:

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Yigo Raceway in Guam. Guam Yigo Raceway.  services on Guam, Guam Yigo Raceway | z 4:43 am | Monday, December 29, 2008 | HotGuam-Fun | 23:43 | | 2009, January 17, Saturday | guam vacation, 4:43 | Saturday, January 17th, 2009 | 11:43 pm