Underwater World

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We’re a miliary family positioned in Guam, and Underwater World is actually our three years old daughter’s preferred spot to visit! Though we often go here, there is always a new experience and things to discover.
This was as pretty as Ocean Park Adventure in the Philippines. I just think that one was bigger than this but not too sure though. Me and my kids definitely enjoyed both occasions of our visit here.
Underwater World is one of Guam’s five-star popular attractions. It is located inside the plaza, right next to the Outrigger Hotel in Tumon.
They charge for around $12-$15 for access, and truth be told, this is the best underwater world aquarium I’ve ever been to. Even better than the one they have in Barcelona.
If you are in Tumon and you are interested in sealife, or if you have kids with you then this should be a definite attraction to see.