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3 Reviews for “Thousand Step Trail Guam”
  1. June 1st, 2011
    Cody Says:

    Can there be more fun than having something for free? hahaha :D. Thousand Step Trail is a nature’s gift that everyone should enjoy and treasure unless your not ready for the challenge.

  2. August 22nd, 2010
    Trisha Says:

    This is not exactly a thousand steps yet I loved its name. I and few of my friends hiked here last few weeks ago and it was a blast. The weather was great, not too sunny and the wind blew hard which made our travel a bit easy. Thanks to our snacks and lots of water packed on our bags. Hahaha :P.

  3. October 30th, 2009
    Frank Says:

    This was a really fun hike, and it cost absolutely nothing which makes it even more fun.

    The hike can be a little bit challenging. And make sure you bring some water when you do plan on going because you’re going to need it on the way up.

    It’s not exactly 1000 steps, but it sure feels like it halfway going back up.

    Once you get to the bottom you can see one of the most beautiful spots on the island. It’s a rocky coastline overlooking the Philippine Sea. You can get some awesome photos of the waves crashing against the coast.

    I do have to reiterate though, that you’d surely want to bring some water. We didn’t plan very well and we ended up dying of thirst and way back up. We even had one guy almost passed out.

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Thousand Step Trail in Guam. Guam Thousand Step Trail.  school in Guam, Guam Thousand Step Trail | z 9:28 am | Monday, December 29, 2008 | HotGuam-Fun | 9:28 | | 2008, December 29, Monday | guam vacation, 9:28 | Monday, December 29th, 2008 | 9:28 am