HotProfile: Namo Falls & Botanical Park


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2 Reviews for “Namo Falls & Botanical Park Guam”
  1. July 29th, 2011
    O'Ryn E. Says:

    I preferred this fresh water attraction over the beaches. It was very refreshing to visit the park. There were colorful flowers and many fruit trees. The pools of water at the bottom of the falls were great for dipping my tired feet. The sound of the water and the chirps of the birds were very relaxing.

  2. March 8th, 2011
    Enzo Says:

    To really make it different,me and my buddies chose to go ahead and take Namo Falls and Botanical Park tour over going on another beach resort. The experience was absolutely unique, making myself realized how pretty Guam is whether or not we talk about their beaches. We had been all thrill with this new adventure.

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Namo Falls & Botanical Park in Guam. Guam Namo Falls & Botanical Park.  Guam companies, Guam Namo Falls & Botanical Park | z 10:31 pm | Thursday, January 1, 2009 | HotGuam-Fun | 23:42 | | 2009, October 11, Sunday | guam vacation, 22:31 | Sunday, October 11th, 2009 | 11:42 pm