Isla Horse Ranch

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Does this place actually exist we spent half the day driving round looking for it and every place we stopped to ask where it was did not know of such a place.
I wanna to know a price for beginner and location
Thank you, Rozaliya
My kids and I really had a great time on our visit in Isla Horse Ranch. Their horses were all healthy and they seem to be friendly. Their employees were cheerful and they taught us many different things about horses.
We had a wonderful horseback riding experience here in Isla Horse Ranch. The view was relaxing, the horses were well-behaved and groomed, plus the staff was courteous.
I loved horses and so I loved this place. I usually go here at least twice a month before I moved to Chicago. Horseback riding makes me feel relax and refresh. The staff and the horses here are just like a family to me. Oh, how I missed being here.