FishEye Polynesian Dinner Show

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Well my sister used to dance here and I say they are awesome and very talented.
Their show is authentic. The Polynesian dancers are very good. I also liked the food and the staff.
Learn Guam’s rich culture, be amazed with local talents, meet pleasant staff and taste good food; all in one at FishEye.
This show is definently one of the most entertaining shows on Guam. If you are a visitor I highly recommend coming to fisheye, the dancers are really professional. I’ve seen shows at other hotels, but this one tops it. It’s well worth your money.
The seafood was awesome, but not as awesome as the show. I’ve seen (from a distance) the PIC show, and this one definitely tops it.
The dancing seems way more authentic, and the fireshow was simply breathtaking!
Man, those girls can really shake their money-makers!
Ladies, keep an eye on your husbands, as they can’t seem to keep their mouths from drooling when one of those beautiful polynesian dancers come shaking their hips in front of them (LOL!).