Dulce Nombre de Maria Basilica

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Very informative article post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic. gaegdefeaeggkedg
I am Michiko from Osaka. I visit this church using Guam red trolley. The church is very nice, but I don’t think it is worthy of a tourist destination. The tour company promote this as popular attraction and I understand this, but this is a church for religion, not mainly for tourists. I did enjoy the old spanish ruins though that are in the same area. Make sure you cross street to go to the “Latte Stone Park”. This was very interesting!
There’s a lot of history behind this church. Other than that, I do think it’s a little over-rated as a tourist destination.
I realize that this gets promoted alot to tourists, but let me be the first to tell you that there are better locations on Guam to spend your time. Sorry, just giving my opinion.