Micronesian Divers Assn, Inc. (MDA)

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I would NOT recommend this place for instruction. They are lackadaisical about customer service. First, I was supposed to meet at 6:00 p.m., my lesson. All four students showed up, no instructor showed up. We ended up locking the door, calling the “Manager,” (who never answered but we had received the number from the girls at the instruction site, left message) and left. About 9:23 p.m., that night another instructor called us, telling me, “Sorry for the miscommunication.” We than met the next night, and for two weeks after that. The course was only supposed to last one week, it took two. I think the instructor had personal “stuff,” going on, but it would have been nice to finish on time. We were offered a “free,” boat dive, well one is already offered for the fee paid for the course. After having spent the money for the course, the scuba gear, it would have been nice to actually go out on dives. I didn’t receive my card until two days after the course was completed, so I could not schedule anything because I had to have the card. Understandable, but a hassle when someone can’t complete their job. I paid a lot of money for the course, the equipment…disgusted at the lack of customer care.
I called the “Manager,” who basically, said, “Sorry, Charlie.” Nice customer service ;-( I would try another dive shop, there are plenty on the island. You will get better service there and I am sure more personal service. All-in-all, not a good experience. I hope my group was unique, if not…MDA in Guam should be put out of business!
Is this open to foreigners too? If yes, how can I join?
Do you have a website that I can check? Or maybe an email address? I am overseas and contacting you via internet would be more convenient for me.
MDA is not really a business. It’s more of an association that loves diving, and wants to share it with everyone on Guam.
They offer dive classes, dive gear, boating dive trips, and they even organize group dives to other islands like Palau, and the Phillipines.
If you are into diving, or even snorkeling, make sure you contact them.