HotProfile: FishEye (Snorkeling)


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3 Reviews for “FishEye (Snorkeling) Guam”
  1. April 5th, 2010
    Ahya Says:

    I’m sorry if it was a bit late. I almost forgot to write my review until I saw hotguam’s site on my favorites.

    As I was saying, I will put a review regarding my FishEye experience. At no doubt, it was absolutely an amazing moment. The fishes were all colorful, the water was so clear, the staff were all kind but I can’t remember seeing the barracuda.

  2. December 10th, 2009
    Ahya Says:

    Wow! Gene’s review was interesting. I didn’t even know about that. I am looking forward on visiting FishEye soon and will put my review here.

  3. October 30th, 2009
    Gene Says:

    Definitely the best snorkeling spot on Guam.

    CAUTION: They have well-sized barracuda here, and so you are warned to keep your fingers tucked in while you swim.

    Reason being, the FishEye divers often feed the fish hot dogs, and your fingers can look like hot dogs. I did notice some of the divers and snorklers wore bright colored gloves, most likely to differentiate their digits from hot dogs.

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FishEye (Snorkeling) in Guam. Guam FishEye (Snorkeling).  Guam holidays, Guam FishEye (Snorkeling) | z 1:32 am | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 | HotGuam-Fun | 23:25 | | 2009, January 17, Saturday | guam vacation, 1:32 | Saturday, January 17th, 2009 | 11:25 pm